Kelli M. Lawrence

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State of the Shea, Pt. 69: All Together Now (“Quiet & Loud”)

As those who follow me on Twitter are (painfully?) aware, the past weekend was one of the big ones for figure skating season with major national and international competitions happening simultaneously. (And a new post over on my State of the SkateMUSIC blog too.)

With so much TGD to discuss this week and precious little time left to do it, I’m doing this first part in homage to a great roundup style during Trevor Noah’s tenure on The Daily Show… called AIN’T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!

And this scene here, with Lea trying to explain to Shaun how difficult it was to be an expectant mother/patient again… and how Shaun stopped to look at his wedding ring when she said “Not in this room, in this bed…”

Part TWO of this post is what I wanted to devote to THIS article (bemoaning the use of the time jump in this episode), as well as THAT article (which approved the time jump but discussed other flaws within the episode)… or I should say, some of the detailed reactions fellow viewers were sharing after reading one or both of these.

Unfortunately, I’m desperately short on time for even that. (Apologies to Daniela, Romy, David, and others I planned to quote here.) I’m still gonna talk about what they talked about, but mostly in general terms as you’ll see—

Finally, Shaun and Lea…! (And if you’re reading this Monday night and wondering why no pics in this part, come back soon. I’m adding them later.)

Sitting on the ground symbolizes a sort of powerlessness to me; a feeling of, I can’t physically hold myself up anymore so this is the only option. And as great as it was to see Andrews – the one who was the most vocal about not wanting him at St. Bon’s back in the beginning– to come sit by him first. By the time everyone else joined, it was a thing of beauty not just because they were all there (minus Dani Powell), but they were down there on the ground with him, silent, holding vigil in the way he needed it most. And when Lea was in the clear, and the rejoicing began, we got a hug for Glassman, a somewhat more careful hug for Lim, and then that kind of leap up with his arms outstretched to everyone in the corridor as if to say  If I could withstand it, I’d hug each of you; please accept this symbolic gesture instead.

I’m pretty sure the overarching feel-good vibe of these scenes won everyone’s approval… how could it not? I know some took issue with the specific direction of the scenes, and felt there were nuances of connectivity (for lack of a better word) that were surprisingly absent… and me, I spent time wondering why Glassman seemed all too eager to make his exit while everyone celebrated. Was he feeling like this is Shaun’s moment and this is the rest of his family; he doesn’t need me here? Or was he in dire need of the men’s room? 

Ah, never mind, for time is up for me to do the talking… but the comments section is made for YOU! Share your thoughts!