State of the Shea Pt. 75: Putting the “ass” in ASSET… Or something like that (“Second Chances/Past Regrets”)
It probably happens to more bloggers than we realize, and yet it never ceases to amaze me how many different parts of the world are represented when I check the analytics for State of the #Shea…
Poland! The Phillippines! Italy! France! El Salvador! Pakistan!
And yes, plenty from the US and Canada as well, but I mention this not to humblebrag– as I said, anyone with an active blog is likely amazed to see all the international eyes that read it. What is exciting to me is that so many come here and read this (or any) English-language blog when English isn’t their first language.
If that is you: whether you happen to know English ALSO, or are translating this into your own language of choice, THANK YOU. It’s very gratifying to have you along for the ride!
But I’m actually saying all this on my way to joking about the English language for a bit.
I suppose every language has words in its vocabulary that only differ by a letter or two, but mean VERY different things. In fact, if you think of an example in your own language, I’d love it if you left a comment about it! Teach us something new!
But with regard to the “Second Chances” episode of TGD, I’m talking about ASS vs. ASSET. OK, I’m actually thinking of a few different variations:
Pain in the ASS (or PITA, as I’ll be using)
Ass_____ (some would say the possibilities are endless as long as “ass” is leading the way)
All are generally considered derogatory terms, as you probably know, except for ASSET. By adding the “e” and the “t”, you suddenly have the word that many an employee would love to see on a personal evaluation by a superior. An ASSET brings value. An ASSET is someone or something you want to keep around.
As for “ass”-anything– it probably depends on the person, or maybe where they come from, as to which variation is the biggest insult. But to me, a PITA is a short-term issue; a pain in the posterior as opposed to the ENTIRE posterior– the ASS itself– which is a bigger problem.
The worst (for obvious reasons, I’d say) is “asshole.” Which is probably why you’ll hear “Ass” on broadcast TV in the US, but not “asshole.” At least, not yet.
(Incidentally, a guy I used to know once described his abhorrent behavior, in retrospect, as that which made him “the asshole of assholes.” I can assure you that he was too kind to himself in that description… but, I digress!)
I actually tried to do a little research for this part of the post as I sought out an article comparing all the ass-related articles of slang– but, remember back in the S4 “Parenting” episode when Shaun was in search of a restaurant and he told Lea “I searched ‘eating meat near me’ and that was a mistake”...? Well… it went something like that.
So, instead–! I’ll just tell you that I’ve tried to separate TGD’s characters in terms of the PITAS and the ASSETS– at least where this episode is concerned.
I trust I’ll hear from you if you dispute any of these classifications, yes?
Let’s see what we’ve got–
Jared- PITA for the purposes of this episode only?
Shaun and Jared were the leads of this episode, so Jared had the most egregious PITA tendencies. From his Kendrick-blasting morning cruise into the St. Bon’s parking lot until Shaun’s second call-out on his behavior in Act 4 of the hour, Jared fit the bill mighty well.
So well, in fact, that Jared even took Jordan’s very sound advice (to LISTEN more) and promptly re-directed it, encouraging young POTW Yara and her mom to have a real conversation about what the surgery (the riskier one HE proposed) meant to her. By “listening,” the mom concluded the riskier surgery was right for Yara after all… and Shaun was hella-pissed.
QUESTION: Would Jared have been this way around any peer-turned-boss, or could he be taking advantage of Shaun’s ASD? (Meaning, was he being almost openly smug because he didn’t think Shaun would call him on it… because he can’t detect it?) I think perhaps, unwittingly, he was– but his actions were impossible for Shaun to miss..
Shaun- Asset, but receiving PITA karma
He started out about as happy-go-lucky as Shaun gets, full of blueberry pancakes and statistics about working with friends that left him confident Jared would make his work life even better than it’s already been of late.
One blown protocol later, though, Shaun was ready to read Jared the riot act. Which, in this case, was Shaun’s Rules for His Residents… except that wasn’t written until Shaun cheated Lea out of a lunch date a few scenes later. SOOOO…
Instead, he spoke to Jared of not taking shortcuts while Jared barely suppressed a smirk. Shaun assures him that although they’ve been doctors the same length of time, they are not close in skill level anymore– so (paraphrased) don’t make me look bad in front of Andrews, OK?
Shaun’s “OK?” was not his quiet, grounding “OK” but rather the one he’s learned from others. I think this one sounded unique to me because it wasn’t rhetorical… he was really looking for confirmation that Jared understood what he was saying. Which he got. Which misled him to think the problem was solved.
When all his efforts still resulted in Shaun being forced (my word, not his) to do an operation on Yara that he didn’t recommend or prefer, he moved on from spouse to parent* and essentially said this sucks, so I need you to come join in on the suck with me because I’m putting the instigator of said suck on suction.
(See there? I told you the English language was a trip.)
Glassman: Asset… with deep PITA knowledge
It takes one to know one, right? Glassman has vast experience with being a PITA himself, depending on the season and situation. Sometimes it’s been spurned by illness (hello, S1 & 2 brain tumor)... sometimes by emotional trauma (anything having to do with Maddie)... sometimes by a personal crisis (what I’m calling the time around the fallout of his second divorce).
He’s surely dealt with countless PITAs in his career– neurotypical doctors who, on many levels, were as brash and headstrong (or more so) than neurodivergent Shaun.
He has very specific knowledge of Shaun’s PITA capabilities, and is wise enough to bring them up at the perfect moments. Such as the comment about the “suction” assignment being an insult– long-time fans of the show likely recalled the earliest episodes of TGD when Dr. Melendez kept Shaun on suction (because he was required to utilize him in some manner) and told him he’d never assign him anything better.
(I’m kind of surprised Melendez’s name didn’t come up during this exchange, TBH.)
In short– Shaun’s been called a PITA several times through the years (most recently when Asher called out his hypervigilance during Lea’s hospital stay in the “Quiet and Loud” episode). He may not be able to call it out on himself, but he’s learned to course-correct to a certain degree when a trusted friend says it. It was intriguing to watch him deal with the proverbial “taste of his own medicine” while not really knowing what he was tasting… and by getting Glassman in the OR with both him AND Jared, the writers found a pretty seamless way to bridge into wherever they’re going next with Glassman. (I know that’s on a lot of minds in the wake of the promo we saw at the end of this episode– I don’t have much to add, but I’ll do so at the end of this post.)
Lea– Hungry Hungry Asset
She had little to do in this episode, and unfortunately for her gastronomic system, it did not appear to include eating a quality lunch… all because she had the misfortune of saying “nobody can follow the rules if they don’t know what they are”... which sent Shaun out the door ready to create the perfect problem-solving document.
(I guess it could be argued that she should know better by now to mention “rules” when he’s in search of a solution…)
You know what would have been hilarious? If, as soon as Shaun went out the door and Lea completed a justified sigh, she got Jordan on the phone:
Hey, did you get lunch yet?
Yeah, he got another brainstorm and left me here.
Ah– you’re the best! Meet you there in five.
Andrews– PITA lying in wait?
Andrews, like Glassman, has been all over this ass/asset map. Maybe it’s just another variation of the brilliant, brash arrogance that befits many a top doctor (at least the ones on TV), but Andrews gets his boxer briefs in a bunch pretty easily when he’s in presidential mode… especially when it involves an old grudge.
We watched with bated breath as Andrews welcomed Jared back to St. Bon’s, remembering the lack of love lost when Jared moved on to Denver. We raised an eyebrow when Jared’s billionaire boss promised Andrews a ginormous check as thanks for helping sort out his medical issues. And we bust out laughing when that check was torn to smithereens before Andrews’ very eyes… all because Jared was back in the St. Bon’s fold.
So how much of Andrews’ sternness about the Shaun/Jared working relationship was justified… and how much was it was him in don’t-get-fooled-again mode? Yes, I know Jared went to Andrews near the episode’s end and all the right things were said. But, depending on Jared’s long-term trajectory on TGD, I can’t help but feel Andrews is carefully biding his time…
Jordan: Asset. No doubt about it.
She fielded praise from Shaun in the OR this episode, but her very best efforts likely came in holding it down while Jared tested the waters… and the patience of everyone around him.
Is it possible she’s an even stronger asset this season when Perez isn’t getting in her way… inadvertently and otherwise?
On the other hand… promotional pics from “A Blip” (the 4/3 episode) hint at a social friendship forming between her and Jared Do we think such will be a bigger asset for the two of them…
…or for her and Perez? (If only because it drives him in a particular direction?)
Speaking of Dr. Perez:
I tweeted, during the broadcast of this episode, that Perez must have been holding an extended N.A. meeting since he was nowhere to be found. In reality, it appeared to be his “turn” to sit out the storytelling cycle given the still-crowded TGD character palette)... especially with Jared now back in the fold.
Morgan: PITA, especially when we get her in small doses
I think it was long-time reader/contributor Tony that mentioned, earlier this season, that Morgan has made an appearance in every TGD episode since her character was introduced (in mid-season 1). If so, she kept her streak going here with just one very pointed “welcome back” scene between she and Jared.
Which came across as more of a Hey, I used to give you hell back in the day and I can’t wait to start dishing it out again so let’s start right NOW! Vibe.
The obvious digs involved Morgan teasing about Jared’s return to first-year status… but how about his parting line about having to leave for surgery? Did you hear that as a possible dig to Morgan’s RA-impaired hands? Surely someone brought him up to speed on her career pivot-by-necessity…
Lim and Park: Assets…in Stereo
(“in Stereo” this episode only)
Her PITA moments have been few (some might say nonexistent if not for her PTSD struggles). His PITA moments are greatly reduced of late when he isn’t a) facing down the dude who broke up his marriage, or b) squabbling with Morgan.
(Dang, it’s been a minute since they even shared a scene together-! Everyone get ready, something must be coming soon with them)
Anyway, Lim and Park worked together on young Carter in this episode, which made them both keenly aware of a surprising case of love on the rocks…
Asher/Jerome: Assets. Yes, both of them.
I guess it’s tempting to say that Jerome was an ass for not being upfront about his HIV diagnosis… as I guess it’s also tempting to say Asher was being an ass for reacting as he did (he even admitted as much, didn’t he?) … but I just can’t be mad at either of them.
Jerome DID withhold important information about himself from Asher, but his reasons were quite understandable.
And Asher’s anger seemed over the top until we heard why he was upset… and when he started to soften in the cafeteria scene, only to flash again about how “he didn’t get to make that choice for himself” (re: condoms always used, staying on PrEP)... yep, that made sense too.
So what makes them both assets here?
They’re representing two sides of what is surely a very real conflict for gay men in a relationship.
Showing Asher and Jerome work through this roadblock (though with a made-for-TV timeline) rather than break up, or indicate it’s the beginning of the end for them, is as powerful as it is inspiring. It’s always easier when a writer is crafting just the right dialogue, but as always… if it helps facilitate real-life conversations, damn, what more can you ask for?
Also– I had on my S6 wish list I asked “If they break up, let it be authentic and not played for laughs.” What we got was authentic AND heartfelt (not played for laughs at ALL once we knew the issue), and they didn’t even have to end their relationship for it to happen! I’m taking that as a wish granted!
Now, ABOUT Shaun and Glassman in “A Blip”...
Like you, I’m intrigued and a little concerned about Glassman. After all, missing two sutures does sound noteworthy, especially taking Glassman’s medical history into consideration. But equally intriguing, to me, is the fact that the Glassman/Shaun story appears nowhere in the synopsis for “A Blip.” That’s not to say it isn’t significant– I don’t think the #Jasher situation was a part of the synopsis for “Second Chances/Past Regrets” either, and it was just as important to me as the Shaun/Jared headliner. But (crossing fingers) if there IS some kind of recurrence of Glassy’s cancer on the horizon, I can’t imagine it overshadowing the arrival of Baby #Shea in the remaining 5 episodes of the season.
I’ll prepare to cry nonetheless.
Who do YOU identify as the asses/assets/PITAs of “Second Chances/Past Regrets”? And what do you think of everyone’s respective status at this point in the season? Hit up the comments and let me know!