State of THE BLOGS: A (very brief) Questionnaire

With The Good Doctor near the end of its seven-year journey, I’ve been giving a lot of thought to “the next thing” in terms of blogging. State of the SkateMUSIC, my blog which takes “longer listens” to figure skating music choices, will continue indefinitely. But I’m considering another TV-related blog as well as a few other ideas.

If you’ve read any of my work— via my blogs or otherwise— I’d be VERY appreciative if you’d fill out the form below and hit the “submit” button once you’re finished!

Where it says “Subject” please enter “State of THE BLOGS”.

And in the “message” section, please answer the following questions:

1) What things (if any) would you like to read about The Good Doctor once it’s over?

2) What TV shows, from ANY decade, are memorable to you (for ANY reason)?

3) What other blog-worthy topics appeal to you? (EXAMPLES: Food, Music, Self-Improvement)

Thanks SO much!


State of the Shea, Pt. 87: Step by Step, Issue by Issue (“M.C.E.”)


State of the Shea Pt. 86: “Who At Peace”…? Who Indeed!